
Release of LiLi 2.8 Update 2

Summer updates

New Linux distributions supported :

  • Aptosid 2011-02 "Imera" Xfce
  • Aptosid 2011-02 "Imera" KDE Lite
  • Sabayon 6 LXDE
  • Sabayon 6 Xfce
  • Sabayon 6 E17
  • SMS (Superb Mini Server) Live 1.6.1

Plus, it should fix the CrunchBang 10 persistence issue (need a download of new binaries).

As usual, you can download it from the Download page.

There is also a new feature in the Changelog page, from now on you can see changes for every updates and not only major updates. It's less confusing.

Enjoy your summer holidays !

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