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Version 2.0 (November, 1st 2009) :
- Debian Live 5.0.2 Gnome, KDE, LXDE, xFce
- CentOS 5.4
- Damn Small linux 4.4.10
- Puppy Linux 4.3.1
- Toutou Linux 4.1.2
- Gparted Live 0.4.6-1
- Clonezilla 1.2.2-31
- Super OS 9.04
- CrunchBang 9.04 Lite ( BUG#5 )
New Features :
- MAJOR : Now using a default mode that should work on most Linuxes
- MAJOR : CD support is back (Live mode only though) ( BUG#10 )
- MAJOR : Install size is now taken into account when calculating free space remaining for persistency
- improved manual download : user can choose a mirror in a list sorted by latency
- A proxy can now be used (need to modify settings.ini)
- New way to create the Autorun (now listing every .exe of original CD)
- Populating mirrors in compatibility list. Should speed up downloads for Ubuntu and Debian.
- Displaying when only Live mode is available
- Usage of an external file (black_list.ini) for blacklisting ISO that are known not to work
- Help is now only online, no more Final help screen
- Adding statistics for ISO filenames (very useful for me to know which distributions users want)
- Improved hiding and cleaning capabilities (adapting to any ISO)
- Interface available in Norwegian
- improved mirror testing
- improved bug reporting
- source code has been cleaned up a bit
Fixed Bugs :
- Error "Cannot access kernel drivers" on X64 systems ( BUG#15 )
- fixed the help buttons
- syslinux folder was not hidden
- may have fixed some crashes (need more testing)
- back button was displayed even after using it
- fixed some few issues for recognizing ISOs
Known Bugs :
- Screen too small for netbooks
- May hang with Fedora and 256MB set in VirtualBox
- May not work on XP Home edition ( BUG#12 )